It Begins! As always thanks for the support, seriously thanks for being so patient once again it’s been a year since the last update heeeere we go!

If you haven’t seen it, check out the the bumper for the first act!


Thanks a ton to my current Patrons;

Tourist Tier: Honorable Hoplite, Marcin, and newest supporter, Opengunner!

Citizen Tier:
Bananaman, Gaboris, Luviant-X, Kintuse, Mr. Wolf12, SCPilot, Wojciech Zdeb, and newest supporters; Turjas, MidRushNic, Mastertarium, and Lionoftheknight! 

Committee tier: Chaser, Steviebear Maxwell, Kit Knightwood, and newest supporters; McO, Kyle Savell, King Sus, John Hartman, Cross, and Calvin!

If you like the comic, please support on Patreon!